He crouched china wholesale under the eaves

He crouched china wholesale under the eaves, push lightly to the mouth side of rice, while speculation in the heart: she has also often the last to get food, because probably like him. Yes, that is because of poverty, because not afford to eat a good meal,


because yiwu china the young and sensitive self-esteem, only to escape the public's attention yiwu market to them quietly to take away their shameful that the two black guys, so many silent suffering ridicule! But all he knew nothing of her. Point because a name of the class day, he only knew her name Hao Hongmei. She probably knew his name was Sun Shaoping, right? Sun Shaoping on this school is too difficult. Like him, teens, young man, is eat drink age. But he only ate two meals steamed sorghum surface. Before he heard his father saying that the old social landlords do not have to sorghum to feed livestock - this is not one of the most nutritious food. But he is now on this side of sorghum is also not sufficient. According to his appetite, his meal at least four or five that black guy. Now this is not to put people starve to death eating nothing more. If sitting in a classroom all day barely can sustain is maintained, but this first "open-door", a group of students except those who rushed about here and agricultural engineering school outside Britain, learning in school is a half-day, half-day labor. As for learning, nothing in textbooks,


are the yiwu agent regions the mimeographed materials, the classroom is mainly read newspaper editorials. School these days, has not been any serious ground lessons, whole class discussion in the classroom every day, the proletariat dictatorship.

Par yexiangnan le dimanche 13 février 2011


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